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Install Snow Leopard From Usb Stick Hackintosh Iso


Install Snow Leopard From Usb Stick Hackintosh Iso Download

Histep1: take your Pc/netbookstep2:boot your computer on windowsstep3:Download iatkosv7.isostep4:Download chameleon rc2.imgstep5:Download win32diskimager.exeyou will need 2 flashdriveopen win32diskimager.exeMake an image file of chameleon rc2.img on your flashdriveand change iatkosv7.iso to iatkosv7.img by yourselfMake an image file of Iatkosv7.img on your flashdrivenow turn off your computer and boot it on chameleon rc2and choose Iatkosv7now its your turn to install itBroken Links Removed.